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Travel & Hotels Find hotels, nearby places to eat, and some general travel tips for Tokyo.

You can find a huge selection of different types of accommodations in Tokyo. From luxury hotels, to traditional Japanese Ryokan, to Capsule hotels, the options are virtually endless. There is also a wide selection of areas in which you can choose to stay.

To make it easier for you, we have put together a short list with some recommendations (also consider AirBnBs).

Where will everyone be staying?

Attendees can choose to stay at whichever hotel or accommodations they please. To make it easier we have compiled a list of nearby hotels. However, the majority of guests will be booking at:

Here you can find a general area guide of Tokyo to get a quick overview when choosing where to stay: Tokyo Area Guides

Shinjuku - The Heart of Tokyo

For everyone who wants to be where the buzz is. Travel to the venue approx. 25 min.

Jimbocho - The Political Center

For the sleepy-heads. Approx. 10 min walk to the venue.

Ginza - Money, Money, Money

For those who sold all their Bitcoins and want to treat themselves. Travel to the venue approx. 25 min.

Asakusa - A Real Photo Opportunity

For those who don't mind staying in a quieter area with temples a bit away from the center. Travel to the venue approx. 30 min.

Akihabara - The Technology Center

For the real computer geeks amongst you. Travel to the venue approx. 20 min.

Stay connected

Public WiFi can be hard to find in Tokyo, so consider purchasing a SIM card at the airport. You'll need an unlocked device. Or alternatively you can rent a portable wifi from the Airport to connect multiple devices. Google Maps does a good job with subways and trains, but a good connection is key to making the most of your trip to Tokyo.

Transit Card

Save yourself the headache of purchasing a ticket for each journey on the train. Pay 500 Yen ($5usd) for a Pasmo card or Suica card and just load it up with some money. It's much easier to just scan yourself in than deal with tickets. Watch the gate scanner for your remaining amount to know when you'll need to top up again. You can purchase cards and top up from just about any ticket machine with the Pasmo or Suica logo.


Public transit is setup primarily in Japanese and English. Some stations include Korean, and Mandarin. Japanese people are very accepting of foreigners, and will do everything they can to try to understand. Google translate can be helpful during your travels. We recommend learning some phrases and greetings to help you get by.

Walking Shoes

If you plan on exploring Tokyo during your trip, make sure you bring a good pair of walking shoes. Despite the easy to use public transit system, it's not unheard of for tourists to put on 15,000-25,000 steps in a day.

Tokyo Transit Download the Tokyo Metro guide including a full subway map: View Map

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